Monday, December 2, 2013

We have been back home for already a month now from our trip to Michigan. We arrived and hit the ground running. Our trip to Michigan was such an encouraging time for us. We felt so much love and support from everyone we talked to. We are so blessed to have such loving and supportive friends, Church, and family. We know God is using all of you to further His kingdom. There is so many ways that God uses each and every one of us for His plan. We are so thankful for what God is doing, and that He is using us, together for His will.

Jared was able to talk in front of Church while we were in Michigan. He was very nervous, but he knew already that God was in it. People were going to hear what God wanted them to hear. Then we were asked to speak to all the Sunday School classes of our church. We thought how are we going to be able to hold everyone’s attention. It was scary when we found out about it, but it turned out great. The kids asked some great questions that we used to lead into more adult information. It was a God thing for sure.

Here are some pictures from our Michigan trip.
Girls sleeping in the airport waiting for a the plane.

Memorial for our sister's Fiance that passed away.

Walking to the park by Grandma's

A cool cake someone made for the pig roast.

Moments with Kacie's Grandpa.

The individual meetings were very memorable. The kids had fun getting to play with all their Michigan friends and new cousins that were born since we have been in Alaska. We were able to share what God is doing in our lives and let our hair down and just fellowship. It was very relaxing to get to know people on different levels. We are excited to have people come and visit in Alaska and see firsthand our ministry. We have had a lot of people interested in coming to visit that is the most encouraging thing to us. We can’t wait for people to see with their own eyes God’s Hands and Feet working at Victory.  We even had a few interested in be summer counselors.
Reflecting back on our trip we would like to say thank you to all the people that lent a helping hand. From helping at the pig roast, with church staff during the service, print and stuffing the letter in mail boxes, and to everyone who invited us into their home to hear about Victory Bible Camp. We are so appreciative.
 We are fully settled in now. We are back to routine of homeschool and work. Since we have been back Jared and Kenten had to opportunity to go up north caribou hunting. It was a hunt that allowed two permits of any gender. They stayed overnight and were able to harvest two caribou. When they got home it was back to work. We cut, ground, and wrapped all the meat and made it freezer ready. It was a fun time working next to each other to fill the freezer. We are so thankful for all the meat that the Lord has provided for us this year. We will enjoy wild game meat hopeful until next moose season.
Kenten went hunting with Jared.

Kenten and his friend helping with caribou burger.

Alison was part of the process too. She helped with wrapping and putting the meat in the freezer.

You may wonder what we do up here with no immediate family around us to celebrate the upcoming holidays with. We got together with a bunch friends on Thanksgiving and ate a bunch of good food. The kids outnumbered the adults like most group gatherings in the community. It is a young growing place. A wonderful time together to reflect on what the Lord has given us. We are already talking about Christmas plans. You have to plan ahead when the store is so far away. We also do things as a camp family together on or around the holiday’s.  Camp slows down during the holiday season. We have opportunities to have pot lucks, dessert socials, and fellowship time together as a camp family. Most of the camp staff families don’t have immediate family around, so we are each other’s families you might say. We love getting together with them, but find it very important to have our own family traditions for the holidays. So we spend time sledding, ice skating, snowmaching, or staying inside where it is warm just watching a movie as a family.  We enjoy spend time together especial during the holidays.
Jared plowing the drive way. After a foot of snow and 32 hours with no power. Thankful for wood heat.

We just want to let you know how thankful we are for everyone who takes the time to pray for us. We are thankful for all of the loving support and financial support. We know that God has blessed us all. We are just so thankful for all He has done for us and is doing through us.

Here is a family picture taken when we were in Michigan.